At the end of every quarter, Kerrie at Mysteries in Paradise hosts a meme for the best new-to-me crime fiction authors. Check out other posts for this quarter.
This quarter I was going to just feature my favorites, but there were too many and I thought every one of these books was interesting and a very good read.
The Burning by Jane Casey

Eleven Days by Donald Harstad
A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill
In the Shadow of the Glacier by Vicki Delany
Skeleton in Search of a Cupboard by Elizabeth Farrars
9tail Fox by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes
The Collini Case by Ferdinand von Schirach
Mr. Campion's Farewell by Mike Ripley
The Sea Detective by Mark Douglas-Home
Slow Horses by Mick Herron
A Hearse on May-Day by Gladys Mitchell
My top pick from this group is...
Eleven Days by Donald Harstad is a police procedural set in Iowa. The first person narrative by Carl is a very matter-of-fact, no frills delivery. The subject is grim, but there are some funny moments. The characterization is very good.
The Sea Detective by Mark Douglas-Home
Slow Horses by Mick Herron
A Hearse on May-Day by Gladys Mitchell
My top pick from this group is...
Eleven Days by Donald Harstad is a police procedural set in Iowa. The first person narrative by Carl is a very matter-of-fact, no frills delivery. The subject is grim, but there are some funny moments. The characterization is very good.
TracyK: You had an interesting reading quarter of the year. I am glad you ventured North for a couple of the books. I have not heard of Harstad. I am going to have look for him.
Bill, I enjoy reading Canadian books. I have plans for my future reads for the Canadian challenge. More Gail Bowen and Anthony Bidulka, and some authors I haven't tried yet.
Tracy, you have a decent list, some of which are waiting on my stacks. I forgot about doing this meme, which I'm sure I would have had some qualifiers for. Maybe next quarter?
From memory I read and liked and kept the Harstad book from years ago - I'll find it and read it again hopefully.
Tracy - You've got, as ever, such an interesting variety here! I'm glad you had such a good month.
Good month Tracy. I too really liked the Harstad book. Ever since I have been meaning to read more by him.... One day.
Col, I was surprised that I read so many new authors this last quarter. I held on to the Harstad book because I think it is re-readable, although that probably won't happen. And bought the 2nd one, which I am eager to fit into my reading.
It was a lot of variety, Margot, and all very enjoyable.
Moira, I hope I get to the 2nd Harstad book soon. I don't want this author to be one of the many that I only read one book by.
Tracy, most of these books look good to read and every one of them is absolutely new to me.
Prashant, they are all good books, with some vintage mysteries and some very new books, but you would probably like the spy fiction best (I am Pilgrim and Slow Horses).
Thanks, Tracy, I'll bear those two titles in mind.
Ooh, a blurb from Michael Connelly on the cover is a very good sign, even without your rave review!
And he is right, Laurie, the novel is "gripping and unsettling" but not too unsettling to scare me away.
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