Sunday, December 31, 2023

My Year in Books: 2023

I saw this meme at BookerTalk this morning and on a whim I decided to try it. The rules are: use only the titles of books I read in 2023 and try not to repeat any titles.

I had never been successful at it in the past, but here it is ...

In high school I was: The Optimist's Daughter (Eudora Welty)

People might be surprised by: Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket (Hilma Wolitzer)

I will never be: Something Wicked (Elizabeth Ferrars)

My fantasy job is:  Miss Marple (Agatha Christie)

At the end of a long day I need: Books for Living (Will Schwalbe)

I hate being: The Doomsday Carrier (Victor Canning)

I wish I had: Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (Jesse Q. Sutanto)

My family reunions are: City Under One Roof (Iris Yamashita)

At a party you’d find me with: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows)

I’ve never been to: 84, Charing Cross Road (Helene Hanff)

A happy day includes: Book Lust (Nancy Pearl)

Motto I live by: Sworn to Silence (Linda Castillo)

On my bucket list is: Bullet Train (Kotaro Isaka)

In my next life, I want to have: The Paris Diversion (Chris Pavone)

Also see this meme at 746Books and AnnaBookBel

Annabel has done this meme for many years, starting in 2009!


  1. Congratulations--reads elegantly to me! HNY, and many more good books!

  2. I love these! I wondered if anyone would do it this year. I keep thinking someone has written a mystery about designer Vera Wang - I first heard about her during an Olympics because she designed gorgeous costumes for skaters but then people in NYC who could afford it got their wedding dresses from her.

    Happy New Year!


  3. Thanks, Todd. Happy New Year to you, and I look forward to more interesting posts about short stories, new and old, at your blog.


  4. Constance, these lists were too much of a challenge for me in the past, but I guess I had a better mix of titles to work with this year.

    Very interesting about Vera Wang designing skating costumes. I used to follow ice skating at the national and international level but I guess I eventually got disenchanted with the TV coverage.

    Happy New Year and lots of good read for 2024.

  5. Tracy, good job! Very creative! Happy New Year to you and your family! Hoping 2024 is full of good books and other things for all of us.

  6. I've done similar posts before and they are always fun! I love the titles you chose for each one. And I'm thinking I might have to do this one myself. Happy New Year! :D

  7. Love your answers, Tracy, especially wanting to be Miss Marple... we're probably both old enough. ;-) I usually do this too so will add it to my lists of posts I need to do over the next few days.

  8. Thanks, Kay, it was fun to do this meme. It feels so weird for it to finally be 2024. I feel this way every year, that things slow down at the end of the year right after Christmas.

    I hope your new year is also full of good books and travelling and fun with family. And book clubs.

  9. Lark, it was fun and I did not struggle with it this time. I like having this list of titles from 2023 to reminisce about.

    Happy New Year to you, and lots of happy reading and blogging.

  10. Cath, I have several more posts planned for January related to reviewing 2023's reading and planning for 2024.

    Yes, I was pleased that I was able to use Miss Marple, and I am certainly old enough. I finished the Miss Marple short stories book (on December 30) and those last few stories I read were on my mind.

  11. Very clever. You did a good job with the titles.

  12. thanks, Susan, I enjoyed the meme, and I think more variety in my reading gives me more options than in the past, when I read mostly mysteries.


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