Sunday, January 13, 2013

Books in Translation Reading Challenge 2013

Another new challenge for me. I will be participating in the Books in Translation Reading Challenge, hosted by The Introverted Reader.  This fits in with several other challenges that I am participating in: The European Reading Challenge, The Global Reading Challenge, and a five-year challenge, Around the World in 80 Books. All the books I read for those challenges will not necessarily be translations but some of them will, and I am always interested in how reading a translated book compares to reading in one's own language.

A Summary of the Guidelines
(Go here to sign up and get more details. There are links to suggestions, if you need them.)

The goal is obviously to read translations of books, from any language into the language(s) you're comfortable reading in; they don't have to be in English.

You can read any genre and any age range. Crossovers with other challenges are fine. Any format that you choose is also acceptable. The challenge will run from January 1 through December 31, 2013.

The challenge is not limited to bloggers. You can also link to a review you wrote on another site, such as GoodReads or LibraryThing.

Beginner: Read 1-3 books in translation
Conversationalist: 4-6
Bilingual: 7-9
Linguist: 10-12

My Goal:   I will be aiming at the Conversationalist level: 4-6 books.

The books I read will be listed here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for signing up for my challenge! I hope you enjoy the books you choose!


I have changed the commenting format on my blog because some people were having problems with commenting. I hope this improves the commenting experience here.