Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reading Outside the Box Challenge, 2014

I have decided to join the Outside the Box challenge. I generally stick to crime fiction novels, with occasional forays into science fiction and fantasy, and every now and then I read straight fiction.

At Musings of a Booklover, a challenge is offered to encourage the reader to stretch their reading boundaries a little bit more!  I thought I should try reading Outside the Box this year.

Here are the Categories 

Classics are the new black – read a classic novel
It’s a serial thing – you’ve read the first in a series (or even three of them), it’s time to read another!
Lost in translation – time to read a book that was first written in another language and then translated.
It’s about time! – read a book that has been sitting on your shelf for at least two years! (and haven’t read it yet!)
By the numbers – read a book with a Number in the title
Weird Science! – read a book that features some form of science – and maybe discover an untapped passion.
I just love a good Duet – a book written by more than one author.
New Guy in Town – read a Debut book written by a new author.
Almost Human – read a book from the perspective of an animal – or an alien – or a robot! (at least feature an ‘almost human’)
Chunkster-time! – read a book that is longer 500 pages. (Time to dust off War and Peace)
Random Rescue – go to a used book store and RANDOMLY pick a book! (could even be from a grab-bag)
Under-Aged Writer – read a book by an author who is not yet 21. Here's a little help.
Time for exercise – read a book that is set in or around a sport or exercise activity (like yoga or baseball). This can be fiction or nonfiction!
Make-Believe - This category is just for YOU! (and anyone who wants to try it!) Here is your chance to let others know what would get you outside of your Comfort Zone!

The levels are:

I’m a little Scared: 3-4 categories
It’s not so bad out here!:  5-7 categories
Look at me, outside my comfort zone!:  8-10 categories
Outside In!: 11-13 categories
No Box can Contain Me!: I did ALL 14!

This challenge will run from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014.  

I will aim at the It’s not so bad out here!: (5-7 categories) level. Some of the catogories I already routinely read (serials, books in translation) so I think I should aim beyond the first level. This challenge won't force me to step outside of my usual boundaries, but at least I will have that idea in mind.

If you are interested, the rules and the sign up are HERE.


  1. Tracy - What a fascinating challenge. I think it really does help the reader to stretch the boundaries a little and a challenge can be a good motivator. I'll look forward to your reviews. Oh, and I love the titles for the different levels.

    1. Margot, it will be a true challenge because I will have to push myself to do categories that are out of the box for me.

  2. Another interesting challenge, Tracy. Where do you find them all? I'll sit on the sidelines for this one, even though, my mental checklist was mostly ticking all the boxes as I read through the categories, apart from Science and Almost Human. Good luck though.

    1. Col, I saw this one at Neer's blog, A Hot Cup of Pleasure. So I was tempted. I see way too many challenges but I only have two more to add.

    2. Two're kidding! I think I could qualify for a lot of the challenges, its just the cross referencing back to them that would (maybe I'm figuring wrong) take too much time to do and would divert me from my reading!
      I love blogging and surfing around book sites and the chat, but I'm too easily distracted.

    3. Col, one challenge is Australian Women Writers, not too hard and something I don't want to forget. The other is War through the Generations. But you are right about the time, which is why I am cutting back this year...

  3. Looks like great fun and a very good idea - but can i take on another challenge? hmmm ... Thanks for the temptation TracyK!

    1. Sergio, it is a good idea, IF I really try to do some reads that are out of the box for me.

  4. You are so OPEN to these challenges, I really admire you for that! There are some nice categories there, though once I got to Almost Human I was shaking my head a bit. Well, I will look forward to reading your selections throughout the year....

    1. Moira, that is funny. Coincidentally, the next book I am reading features a robot, so Almost Human will be easy.

  5. Good luck Tracy. Browsing the categories they are very diverse. You must already have your books picked out. For books with a number in it Donald Harstad's Code Sixty One would fit the bill but it's not the first one in the series. Yes, I am pushing Harstad to as many readers as I can although he's stopped writing or hasn't released anything in awhile.

    1. Keishon, I looked up Harstad and his first book is Eleven Days, so I can find that one. His books do sound interesting.

  6. This challenge is enticing. Hard to pick any one category but if I'd to, then I'd have gone for "Random Rescue." Good luck, Tracy!

    1. Prashant, I am too picky ( = not adventurous) to try Random Rescue. I do want to read a classic which I hardly ever do.

  7. So glad you are trying something a little different! I look forward to your reviews and to see what will draw you outside of your comfort zone! Thanks for joining my Challenge!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kate. I am sure I will enjoy participating.


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