Saturday, December 13, 2014

The 2015 Sci-Fi Experience (A Non-Challenge)

Carl V. at Stainless Steel Droppings is again hosting a science fiction non-challenge in December and January. This is the third year I will be joining in.

For this event, readers are encouraged to:
a) Continue their love affair with science fiction
b) Return to science fiction after an absence, or
c) Experience for the first time just how exhilarating science fiction can be.

There are no rules really... no numbers to aim at. I like to join in because I like a little science fiction reading in my year. I do watch a good amount of science fiction movies and TV shows throughout the year with my family. I will probably only read a couple of books for this event, but I love to see what others are reading. And I will do the reading and reviewing in January of 2015 ... most likely.

If you are interested, please consider signing up. Check here for more information. There is a review site already set up where you can post any SF book, television, film or game reviews for things you experience during the months of December and January.


  1. Tracy, this one looks like it's tailor-made for me though I'll give it a miss this year.

    1. It would be a great challenge for you, Prashant. I am sure you will be reading your share of science fiction throughout the year.

  2. Oh, this one should be interesting, Tracy. I'll be watching for your reviews of what you read.

    1. It will be interesting, Margot. I don't know yet what I will be reading but I have a few ideas.

  3. More you than me for sure - enjoy your reading!

    1. Agreed, Col, sci fi isn't your thing. I will be having fun trying more books in this area.

  4. Replies
    1. Great, Sergio. I look forward to your reviews.


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