Friday, January 9, 2015

New (to me) Authors: 4th Quarter 2014

At the end of every quarter, Kerrie at Mysteries in Paradise hosts a meme for the best new-to-me crime fiction authors. Check out other posts for this quarter.

I considered skipping this meme this time ... as I am so far behind and my energy is lagging after the holidays. But then I checked out which new authors I had read in the last quarter of 2014, and there were so many wonderful authors I had tried for the first time. I had to write about them.

These are the books by authors that are new-to-me this quarter:

Siren of the Waters by Michael Genelin
The German Agent by J. Sydney Jones
The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill
Enigma by Robert Harris
Garnethill by Denise Mina
The Jasmine Trade by Denise Hamilton
The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville
Firecrest by Victor Canning
Holiday Homicide by Rufus King 
The Teleportation Accident by Ned Beauman

Several of the books are set in interesting locations (and times) that I have little familiarity with. Siren of the Waters is set in post-Soviet Slovakia and nearby countries. The Coroner's Lunch is set in Laos in 1976 following the Communist takeover of that country. The Ghosts of Belfast is set in post-Troubles Northern Ireland. These books provide historical and geographical insights and they are all well-written, compelling stories.

I found Garnethill by Denise Mina to be a dark and uncomfortable read. The story deals with tough topics: incest, patient abuse, drugs, unemployment, dysfunctional families. Yet it has a wonderful protagonist in Maureen O'Donnell, and I want to read more about her.

Enigma by Robert Harris is an espionage story and it is set during World War II -- perfect for me. The story, set at Bletchley Park in the UK, uses the code breaking efforts there as a background for a mystery. I am eager to try more of the author's books.


  1. I have wanted to read a book by Denise MIna for a long time. Maybe this year. I've read at least one by Denise Hamilton - not that one though. And Colin Cotterill was mentioned this week at my mystery book group. Looks like you had some great authors!

    1. Yes, Kay, the last three months were good ones for discovering new authors. I will be interested to see what you think of these authors, if you try them.

  2. Tracy - It looks like you've been introduced to some great authors! I like Colin Cotterill's work very much. And Mina has so much talent!

    1. Very true, Margot. I just have to keep reading from their series. So often I read one book and never get back to an author.

  3. Three cheers for Denise Mina. I encourage everyone to read her books. Her Alex Morrow series is great, except for the first one, not so much. The End of the Wasp Season, Gods and Beasts and The Red Road are harrowing, but excellent. An original voice. And she paints quite a picture of Glasgow.

    I'll try to read some of the books on this list, but there is SO MUCH TO READ.

    1. Kathy, I think we all have trouble with too much to read. I want to read so many books and never get to them. But I will be reading more Denise Mina. For sure.

  4. I don't really have a list of favourite books of all time but if I did I think Garnethill would be on it. And you discovered Dr Siri during the same quarter...lucky you

    1. I know, Bernadette, two wonderful authors to continue reading. A very good quarter.

  5. I've tried two of your ten, though not the same books as you. Five other authors are on the pile. I think I'll try less new-to-mes next year and will concentrate on previously enjoyed authors. It is always a temptation though to just try one more, add one more!

    1. I hope to do the same, Col, and read more from authors I have already read and liked. Although I still have lots of never read authors in the TBR stacks, shelves and boxes.

      I have been working slowly on getting a count of my unread books, but at my slow pace it may take a while.

  6. I am successfully trying Ian Rankin whose books about Rebus I hadn't read. Am finding it quite refreshing and witty.

    1. Glad to hear that you are liking the Ian Rankin books, Kathy. I have only read the first in the Rebus series and I have a lot more of the series on my shelves. Got to get to them.

  7. Tracy, you read some solid new authors in Q4 of 2014. Some of them have jumped on to my own list of new authors for the foreseeable future.

    1. There are so many authors to read, Prashant. I will never run out. That is a good thing.

  8. I haven't read HOLIDAY HOMICIDE but I've thoroughly enjoyed the other Rufus King books I've read.

    1. I did not care for Holiday Homicide that much, but my paperback edition has a wonderful cover. And I did read opinions on other books of his that encouraged me to try them. Thanks for the encouragement, dfordoom.


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