Sunday, July 5, 2015

Reading in June and Pick of the Month

In June, I read a total of nine books. My usual reading is crime fiction but this month I included a fantasy novel, The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin. I had never read anything by Le Guin, and I will be finishing the rest of the Earthsea Trilogy and looking for other books by this author.

I also read a non-fiction book covering an area I always enjoy reading about: grammar and words. The book is Woe is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English by Patricia T. O'Connor. I agree with other reviews, the subtitle is silly. The book is not written for grammarphobes, which would be those afraid of grammar. Reactions on Goodreads were mixed, but I found it enjoyable. I especially liked the sections dealing with similar words and which is correct to use in various situations. Words, spelling and grammar are not usually a problem for me, but I did learn things from this book. Two years ago I read Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by the same author. That one was superior; it talked a lot about how word usage changes over time.

Crime fiction books I read this month:

Hope by Len Deighton
The Ways of the World by Robert Goddard
Death of a Ghost by Margery Allingham
Johnny Under Ground by Patricia Moyes
See Also Murder by Larry D. Sweazy
Susannah Screaming by Carolyn Weston
Peril at End House by Agatha Christie

It is hard to pick a favorite this month. There were no duds in the group, and several were very, very good. But I will go for a book by one of my favorite authors: Hope by Len Deighton. That book is the eighth in a nine book series about Bernard Samson. I have loved every book in the series.

The Crime Fiction Pick of the Month meme is hosted at Mysteries in Paradise. Bloggers link to summary posts for the month, and identify a crime fiction best read of the month. Check out the link here to see the other bloggers picks.


  1. Sounds like a decent month Tracy. I'll get to Deighton one day myself, though looking more like next year earliest! The Sweazy book was a good read. Glad you enjoyed the Weston also.

    1. Col, I know what you mean about planning reading into the next year. I have so many authors I want to read this year, and they are not all going to fit. The book by Weston was good...

  2. You did have some good reads, Tracy. Very glad you enjoyed the Deighton so much; the man has a lot of talent! And kudos to you for the variety of books here.

    1. Margot, there was a good bit of variety. I like that.

  3. Much variety in your June reading, Tracy. I haven't read a Christie for more than a year and I do feel like picking up one and reading it right away.

    1. Prashant, I haven't read as many Christie novels as I would like, this year and last year. I am trying to pick that up in future months.

  4. That's a really good selection, Tracy, covering all different kinds of crime fiction.

    1. I was surprised to see that I had read books written in so many different decades, Moira. And all were good.

  5. Nice blog...have been looking around.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. Looking at this list of books for June, I am finally getting more of them reviewed.


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