Sunday, December 18, 2016

Read Scotland 2017

I participated in the Read Scotland challenge at Peggy Ann's Post in 2014 and 2015. Last year I sat it out, but this year I am getting back to this challenge because I have so many books by Scottish authors and I want to read them.

The challenge has always been set up at Goodreads too, and this year that is the headquarters. I have signed up for the Highlander level of 6-10 books but I hope to exceed 10 books for this challenge.

Basically the challenge goes all year, and includes books of any genre "written by a Scot (by birth or immigration) or about or set in Scotland." Mostly I want to read books by Scottish authors, set in Scotland, but I do have some set in Scotland by authors from other areas. See the Goodreads group HERE or check out this post for more information.

And here are books, series and authors that I have and want to read:

Ann Cleeves
Red Bones
Blue Lightning
A. D. Scott (profiled by Peggy here)
A Small Death in the Great Glen
A Double Death On the Black Isle
Beneath the Abbey Wall
William McIlvanney
The Jack Laidlaw series
Denise Mina
The Garnethill series
The Paddy Meehan series
The Alex Morrow series
Catriona McPherson
The Winter Ground (Dandy Gilver series)
The Child Garden
As She Left It
Peter May
The Blackhouse
Ian Rankin
John Rebus series
Val McDermid
The Distant Echo
Barry Maitland
The Brock and Kolla series
T. Frank Muir
DI Gilchrist series


  1. The Blackhouse is an excellent read! Good luck with the challenge... I'm also doing this one again after a break from it.

    1. I am glad to hear that you are joining in, Cath. I will be looking for your reviews. I look forward to finally reading The Blackhouse.

  2. Loved THE BLACKHOUSE and its sequel. I am reading COFFIN ROAD now.

    1. I don't know why I put off reading The Blackhouse so long, Patti. Too many books to read, I guess. I have heard that the trilogy is very good.

  3. Lots of lovely reading ahead of you there...however I do feel bound to point out that we count Barry Maitland as an Aussie now as remarked at a local festival that he has lived here for a much bigger part of his life than he lived in Scotland :)

    1. I have always thought of Maitland as Australian also, Bernadette, although I think I knew he had moved to Australia from the UK. And I did not know that his second series is set in Australia. I will have to try that one too.

  4. Tracy, that's an excellent list of books! Looking forward to your reviews.

    1. Thanks, Peggy. I am planning for my first book in 2017 to be one one those on the list.

  5. You do have some fine reading ahead of you, Tracy. Lots of very talented authors there, and I'm sure you'll good reading experiences. I look forward to your reviews.

    1. I am ready for 2017 to be here, Margot, so I can start reading some of these. (Although really I want my holiday vacation from work first!)

  6. You have some great reads ahead of you and there are some that I want to read too, particularly Peter May. I've only read one by Denise Mina, Garnethill and I was a wee bit disappointed as I felt she failed to capture the atmosphere of Glasgow, but if you don't know the place then that won't be a problem.

    1. I have read one book in Peter May's other series, Katrina, but I am looking forward to The Blackhouse. I did read Garnethill and liked it a lot, but like you say, I am not familiar with the area. I look forward to trying others by Mina.

  7. Good luck on the Scottish reading challenge, Tracy. I ought to try something like this, at least in my personal capacity.

    1. Thanks, Prashant. One year I did a European reading challenge and someday I would like to try to read one book from each European country, and then another year do all the Asian countries, and so on.

  8. Oh some good ones there Tracy. I didn't know Barry Maitland had a Scottish connection, so I laughed at Bernadette's comment above! I love his books - I'm sure you will too, if they are new to you.

    1. I have read two of the Brock and Kolla series, Moira, one a long time ago, and one more recently. I did like them. I have several more that I look forward to reading.


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