Monday, November 9, 2020

Rosie the Cat

Rosie has been with us over seven years now. We think she is about ten years old.

This is Glen's favorite photo of Rosie, from about five years ago.

The ones below were taken in the last few months.


  1. A contented cat happy with those who share its home.

  2. Thanks, Bill, Patti, and Jerry. She does look sweet when she is sleeping. And we cater to her a lot, so she should be content.

  3. Thank you so much! She's a sweet looking cat.

  4. She's adorable, Tracy! And I know she has a very good home with you. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  5. And you are so welcome, Rick. I should have shared some photos of Rosie before. She looks best when sleeping.

  6. Aren't pets wonderful, Margot. I know how much you love your dogs.

  7. Wow. Beautiful cat. As usual I have feline envy; because of severe wifely allergies cats. and all other shedding creatures, are forbidden in our house. You're lucky.

  8. I am sorry you cannot have a cat, Howard. My husband thinks he may have allergies to the cat, but I think it is probably just the air / pollen in Santa Barbara.

  9. What lovely colouring she has!

  10. awwww Rosie is so pretty! We have asthma and allergies in our house, so no indoor cats for us. But the neighborhood cat has adopted my kiddo, so we sit on the porch and give her lots of love. Cats are great.

  11. Cath, I used to think Rosie was too white, because our first cat was mostly black. Now I think she is beautiful.

  12. Monika, how lovely to hear about the neighborhood cat who visits you. We have neighborhood cats who come in our back area and irritate our indoor cat. One big black was sleeping in our lawn chair.

  13. She's particularly lovely in that middle photo. I love her ginger colouring particularly - but then - I would!

  14. Katrina, it is a nice ginger color. And that middle picture is my favorite also. She looks smaller and younger than she is.

  15. Rosie has had several personality changes over the years, Col, but we love all of her personalities. She sleeps a lot, of course.


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