Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Plants and Animals at the Plant Nursery

Last week we made our second visit to the plant nursery this year. I have been trying not to overbuy, so as not to put too much pressure on myself to get things planted while I am still working on cleaning up the yard. But we always enjoy looking at what they have and my husband takes photos. This visit it was overcast, the lighting was perfect and he got some great shots.


This was the first time that we saw this cat and the chickens.


                                      Note:  Click on an image for best viewing quality.


  1. Such beautiful flowers, Tracy! Thank you for sharing them (and the animals, too!). It was a much-needed lift, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

  2. It was a lovely day, Margot, and so much more pleasant to look at plants while it was cool. Visits to the plant nursery are always fun, but too brief.

  3. What a nice nursery but I feel your pain in trying not to buy too much, it's so tempting. Great photos, love the cat, and thanks for sharing them with us.

  4. I took a trip to two last week but only came home with herbs.Hope I can manage that.

  5. Hello, Tracy! This is a lovely post. I particularly liked the picture right at the top. It reminds me of the art and handicraft exhibitions my wife and I go to, although we don't see such large earthenware (which I assume they are). Oddly, these exhibitions are often held right next to those for books and wooden furniture. A package deal!

  6. Cath, it is nearly impossible not to buy any plants when we visit the nursery. Sometimes there is a plant there that is the right plant and the right size and it won't be there the next time we are at the nursery. But I am getting more realistic about what I can handle in our space.

    The cat was a great surprise. It was not too interested in us though.

  7. Patti, I have never had much luck with herbs, except with some thyme that a coworker gave me over twenty years ago which spread through the back area. It grows like a weed but a lovely one if I keep it cut back.

  8. Prashant, it is so good to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    The nursery does have lovely earthenware pots in all sizes. Most of it is too large for us with our small gardening area. But nice to look at. I would enjoy visiting an exhibition that combines books, furniture and handicrafts.

  9. Beautiful photos, I wish I could find pots like those ones here.

  10. Thanks, Katrina, my husband looks forward to visiting the nursery, and there are always gorgeous plants to photograph. They always have many pots on display (expensive though).

  11. Those are lovely pictures! I like going to a good nursery and getting ideas. Last year a local place (well, nearly 40 minutes away but not that far from where I get my hair cut) had the kind of petunias you don't need to pinch. I should have bought twice as many! Of course, they were all gone when I returned.

    My favorite summer flowers are peonies and hydrangeas. My white peony bloomed for the first time this year. I have one that is bright pink, two that are paler pink, but I think I like the white on the best.

  12. Constance, I have had that same experience, finding a good plant and not finding them again at the nursery. And the opposite, of course, buying too many plants and regretting some purchases.

    Peonies and hydrangeas sound lovely. Right now with a drought looming I don't think I am going to experiment with those.

  13. Hi Tracy,
    I loved the photos, especially the pansies. I buy a number of pots of pansies and violas in early April and they last pretty well until early July. They hate the heat. I have heard that if you can nurse them along til fall, they'll come alive again in the cooler temps. Have never made them last that far.
    Enjoy your gardening!

  14. Thanks, Judith. I always wish that I had thought to get pansies as early as April, but I never remember. I would like to try planting them in fall here, because they could overwinter in the right conditions and come back in the Spring.

  15. I know, Neeru, I wish I could try out all of the plants, but we have so little space.


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