Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Short Story Wednesday: Fishy Business, ed. by Linda Rodriguez

The short stories I read this week are from Fishy Business: The Fifth Guppy Anthology, edited by Linda Rodriguez. 

A short description from the back of the book:

Killer hooks and fishy characters will lure you into this fifth anthology from the Guppies Chapter of Sisters in Crime. This volume nets you twenty-two crafty capers featuring slippery eels, wily sharks, and hard-boiled crabs. From ultra-modern computer crimes to old-fashioned confidence tricks, these tales are sure to satisfy your appetite for great short mystery fiction.

These are the stories I read...

"The Wannabe" by Lida Bushloper

A young woman determined to be an actress attends an audition which turns out to be a scam. Then she meets an agent who tries to take advantage of her disappointment and her lack of experience. 

"Nova, Capers, and a Schmear of Cream Cheese" by Debra H. Goldstein

This one was a lot of fun and the ending was a complete surprise to me. The former manager of a delicatessen is concerned that the quality of food being sold in the delicatessen is going downhill under its new management, and that it will reflect badly on him.

"Windfall" by Rita A. Popp

In this story, two young women who spent some years at Miss Harmon's foster home as children return to her home after her death to pick up bequests that she left them in her will. Jillian's bequest was a string of pearls, which were not in the house; Trina was given all of Miss Harmon's books. Jillian forces Trina to return later in the evening and break into the house to try to find the pearls. 

"Who Stole My Lunch?" by Kate Fellowes

The familiar story of the office worker whose lunch is stolen from the shared refrigerator in the staff lunch room. I did guess how the story would end and it was still fun.

"My Night with the Duke of Edinburgh" by Susan Daly

I liked this story especially because it is historical fiction, set in 1951 in Ontario, Canada, when Princess Elizabeth and her husband Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, toured Canada. This was a complex little caper, with a nice ending. Susan Daly is an author of short crime fiction who lives in Toronto.

Of the five stories I read, my favorites were "The Wannabe" by Lida Bushloper and "My Night with the Duke of Edinburgh" by Susan Daly. All of the stories were entertaining, and most were humorous.


  1. Oh, this does look like an enjoyable read, Tracy. I have to admit, I was drawn in by the title, and I like that theme that runs throughout it. I'm glad you found some fun and enjoyment in it.

    1. Margot, I was happy to start with five fun reads from this book. That always encourages me to go back and read the rest of them.

  2. SIC does us (and them) a wonderful service by promoting the guppies.

    1. Jerry, I agree with that wholeheartedly. I will definitely get more Guppy anthologies, and I think there would be Sisters in Crime anthologies I would be interested in.

  3. Yes, the title leads you to expect more humor than murder.

    1. You are correct, Patti, but I was surprised. The first story and the story about the girls who had been foster children were a bit more serious than the others. But not dark at all.

  4. The cover on FISHY BUSINESS is certainly provocative!

    1. George, I like that cover. It grows on me the more I looks at it.

  5. This sounds like a good collection and the cover is fantastic!

    1. Kelly, I don't usually read introductions for books, at least not until I have finished them, so I did not realize that the theme was capers. I do love caper stories though, so it is working well for me.

  6. That spam comment is why I have moderation set on my blog. Those fools tried to post the same thing on my blog TEN times overnight (all blocked) and three times on my late wife's blog (all blocked).

    1. Kevin, I have had more problems with Spam lately so I may have to use moderation here too.

  7. I've yet to try the GUPPY series...the fish-skeleton cover has its charms. (That, I suggest, is No Guppy.)

    1. Apology to the GUPPY book crew: the portrayal does seem reasonably accurate! https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6612082edc0c7c53&rlz=1CAXCFT_enUS1116&q=guppy+skeleton&udm=2&fbs=ABzOT_CWdhQLP1FcmU5B0fn3xuWpA-dk4wpBWOGsoR7DG5zJBsxayPSIAqObp_AgjkUGqel41a-glE2Uq9eJ_Bs7HiCAYlFFGTExBAJINx8ozJBuW9tYgt7x4nGKBzIJLdcA_0du35JA7WotIj301qwlm-MI6XnPVA5h_sZG4-ikKpCqLqTrOyLtgYA77b8mnRSTrggaIFdb95JVTPAGmAzaZzaTm9Fw-w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisz42GssGLAxVjv4kEHcVCCf04ChC0qAt6BAggEAE&biw=1536&bih=743&dpr=1.25

    2. Todd, I agree... those guppy skeletons do resemble the skeleton on the cover. I like the simplicity of the cover and I always like a skeleton on a book cover, even fish skeletons.

  8. Thank you for reviewing our anthology, Kevin. I like my story "Room and Board" in Fishy Business. "Room and Board" was actually picked up as a reprint to open The Dark Waves of Winter; the other bookend was none other than Lawrence Block!

    1. I recommend that you try the Guppy anthologies, Todd. I agree about the cover.

    2. Vinnie, Thanks for coming by to comment. I will be reading your story "Room and Board" soon. And that is good news about it being reprinted in The Dark Waves of Winter.

  9. Wow! Thanks for the thumbs up. The now defunct Mystery Scene magazine also mentioned my story as one of the two they liked best in this anthology. And yes, all hail to the Guppies for providing this opportunity.

    1. Lida, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I enjoyed your story very much. I did see the review of Fishy Business at Mystery Scene at their website, and that they chose your story as a favorite. I found that I have several of the Guppy Anthologies as ebooks, and I see that you have a story in Hook, Line, and Sinker, which I will be sure to read soon.

  10. Oh, I'm so glad you liked this anthology, and doubly glad you liked my story. I had fun with it, basing the caper around a Royal Tour.

    The latest Guppy anthology, Gone Fishin' -- Crime Takes a Holiday, has just been launched.

    1. Susan, I purchased the Fishy Business anthology after I saw it on your blog. Yesterday I got a Kindle copy of Gone Fishin' so now I have four of the Guppy anthologies. (I also have a ebook of Larceny & Last Chances, which has stories from both you and Kevin Tipple.) "My Night with the Duke of Edinburgh" is a very clever story and I look forward to reading more of your stories.

  11. And this has just been announced: *GUPPY ANTHOLOGY ZOOM LAUNCH!*

    HELP THE GUPPIES CELEBRATE the launch of our 8th anthology, featuring 23 Guppy authors:
    *GONE FISHIN': Crime Takes a Holiday.
    A Zoom launch party will be held Monday, February 17 ( 4 pm PT, 5 pm MT, 6 pm CT, 7pm ET)
    REGISTER to attend HERE:
    *https://sistersincrime-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_J2jaejhdRCCrcAtSJrO-DA. *
    Connie Berry--Guppy Prez--will be moderating and we'll hear from Grace Topping, our Anthology Coordinator
    As well the individual authors (dressed for their chosen holidays) will talk about their stories, the process, and why you'll like this book.

    Come and enjoy this amazing event!

    Susan Daly

  12. GONE FISHIN': Crime Takes a Holiday came out last month on the 15th with the eBook out on 2/1/2025. Dallas Library is not carrying it. Bummer.

    1. Kevin, That is sad that Dallas Library is not carrying GONE FISHING.

  13. Sounds like an entertaining short story collection. :D


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