Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Diving into the Wreck: Kristine Kathryn Rusch

This book is in the science fiction genre, and the diving referred to in the title is diving into wrecked space ships, not ships at the bottom of an ocean. Which might be obvious if you can get a close enough look at the cover. My son loaned me this book and encouraged me to read it, and I am so glad that he did.

The protagonist in this story is a woman who makes her living diving into derelict ships out in space. She is always referred to as Boss. No other name is ever given. She is a loner; she knows a lots of people who work in the same business as she does, and she works with crew members who have skills in diving or technology. But she seems to have no real friends. Boss has had a hard life and has developed a hard shell over her emotions because of it.

Sometimes she goes on salvage operations to bring in some money, but her real love is history and she likes to study the ships. She also takes out groups of tourists to give them the experience of wreck diving in space. One day, when Boss is returning from a salvage mission, she sees a blip on her ship's sensors that leads to a strange ship – a ship that is obviously ancient and possibly very, very dangerous. 

The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, Boss hires a crew to dive into the ancient ship and find out what is there. She has suspicions that this is a ship that came from earth and could be dangerous, but she does not tell her crew this. She wanted to get verification from them without prejudicing them beforehand. However, once they arrive at the abandoned ship, some of the crew are angry that they were not warned, and one woman, Squishy, is scared so badly that she wants them to abandon the dive and return home. During one of the dives, a crew member has to be abandoned in the ship. That incident is the beginning of more adventures related to the ancient ship. 

My thoughts:

I liked the writing style. It was spare, and there was a lot of dialog at times. But the pace was good and it kept me interested. The first two parts of the book were first published as novellas previously but changes were made for this publication. Each of the three parts is about a separate expedition (although they all tie in to the discovery of the ancient ship); for me the transitions between the three parts worked well. And I liked that I could stop easily between each one. 

The characterization is good, but since the story is first person narration from Boss's point of view, we only know what she thinks and feels. Several of the secondary characters that work on Boss's crews are portrayed in depth; there is a good depiction of an old cynical military man later in the story. 

The world building is done well. The story is set far into the future, in the Enterran Empire. The planet Boss lives on is Hector Prime, which is on the edge of the empire, near the Nine Planets Alliance. Boss is a citizen of the Enterran Empire, but her sympathies lie with the Nine Planets Alliance. Beyond that there is not a lot of dwelling on the science involved. Other reviewers who are more in the know than I am about science fiction say that this is a novel that people who are new to science fiction can enjoy. 

There are 18 books in this series at this point and I plan to look for more of them to read.

Please see another review at Carl's blog, Stainless Steel Droppings. Carl was the original host for the Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge (and also the Science Fiction Experience Challenge and the Once Upon a Time Challenge).


CLM said...

Rusch has written an unbelievable number of books! I can't remember the series I began but it must have been more than 20 years ago because I remember presenting her books to the fantasy buyers at Barnes & Noble and Borders. I think what sold the best was the book she did in the Star Wars series.

TracyK said...

Constance, you are right, she has written a huge amount of books, and I am only looking at the books she wrote under her own name. She wrote mysteries and romance novels (I think) under other names, and books with her husband.

She also was edition of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction for 6 years during the 1990s.

Margot Kinberg said...

Wow! What a prolific writer! This one sounds interesting, Tracy. I wouldn't have thought of spaceship wrecks as a background for a novel, but it makes sense. And it sounds as though this is an adventure as well as a sci-fi story. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Cath said...

I like the sound of this so much I just grabbed it for my Kindle. Never heard of the author, so odd to still be discovering new sci-fi authors that've been writing for years and I didn't know about them. Thanks for the rec, Tracy!

Kelly said...

This sounds good and I think I might see if I can track it down. R.I.P. is one of my favorite challenges (I still do it via Instagram) and that's how I discovered Carl. I still follow him on Instagram.

TracyK said...

Margot, her output is amazing. And I think the adventure element of this is what makes it so enjoyable.

TracyK said...

Cath, I think you will enjoy reading this book. Rusch also wrote a science fiction / detective series that I am going to try.

I recently heard of a Welsh science fiction author that I am interested in: Alastair Reynolds. Have you read anything by him?

TracyK said...

Kelly, For several years I did all three of Carl's challenges. I enjoyed the science fiction one especially because it motivated me to get more science fiction read. And I read several books in that genre that he recommended.

Lark said...

This sounds interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

TracyK said...

Lark, I want to say it was a fun read, but there was a lot of introspection, thoughts about unhappy childhoods, so it wasn't funny, but a very good story. It ticked all my boxes.